
Creating a Non-Profit Organization in Georgia

 Forming your Georgia Nonprofit Corporation: Choose the initial directors for your nonprofit corporation In Georgia, a nonprofit corporation must have at least one director on its board. Choose a name for your Georgia nonprofit organization. The name of your nonprofit corporation must be distinguishable from the names of other corporations already on file with the Georgia Secretary of State Corporations Division. You may reserve a name for 30 days online at the Corporations Division website. There is a $10 fee. Appoint a Registered Agent Every Georgia nonprofit corporation must have an agent for service of process in the state. This is an individual or corporation that agrees to accept legal papers on the corporation's behalf if it is sued. The agent must have a physical street address in Georgia, this can be a director or officer of the corporation. Prepare and file your nonprofit articles of incorporation. To legally establish your corporation, you must create and file nonprofit ...

Georgia Conservancy - Nonprofit Organization Summary


Classification and Taxonomy Refresher

The Giant Panda: Ailuropoda melanoleuca  Genus             Species     Other species in the Ailuropoda  genus: The Giant Panda is the only extant species in the genus and subfamily. Ursidae Family The Giant Panda's family Ursidae is the Bear family. Other species in the family include: Brown Bear Polar Bear Asian Black Bear American Black Bear Sun Bear Sloth Bear Spectacled Bear Bears are carnivoran mammals of the family Ursidae. They are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans. Only eight species of bears are in existent. Common characteristics of modern bears include large bodies with stocky legs, long snouts, small rounded ears, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonretractile claws, and short tails.  Photo courtesy of CC BY-SA 3.0 @ wikimedia commons

Dendrology of Marsh Creek

Plant Identification App: iPflanzen & iGarten

Invasive Plants of Georgia


Web Soil Survey

 The Web Soil Survey is a great tool for hobbyists and professionals alike! Within my work I use the Web Soil Survey to determine the soils hydric properties within area of possible wetlands. Although I use the tool on a normal basis I have found that I am only scratching the surface of its abilities! I have included some screenshots from different available maps that you are able to access. These maps can help with finding homes, planting gardens, determining best conservation practices, and much more.  Depth to Groundwater Map:  Hydrologic Soils Map: Organic Matter Depletion Map: Soil Health - Soil Reaction (pH) Map: